Sunday, June 11, 2006

Going to New York

I know I am really going to miss my family when I am in the USA. I spent today with my grandmother hearing stories about my missionary great-grandparents, and South Africa during WWII, and it was really special. I will miss that. And I will miss my father's good advice, and my mother's always wanting to stand up for me, no matter what the situation. At the same time, though, I am really excited about having them visit me in New York. My father has been there before for work, before I was born, but neither my mother nor grandmother have ever been to the USA. I look forward to getting aquainted with the city almost as much so that I can introduce them to it, as for my own sake. I guess that is part of the value of this type of experience. It isn't only about me experiencing another country, but about all the other people back home who will experience it too, because I am there. And it's not just the city. Everything I will learn I will bring back with me, and that will have an impact on all my future students, and my collegues, and everyone else I work with or interact with.
I really am looking forward to this.

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