Sunday, November 05, 2006

New York Marathon.

I spent the whole weekend volunteering at the New York Marathon. What an amazing event to be a part of! I have met so many people, and been so inspired. It has meant a few very early mornings in real biting cold, but there are few sights that can beat Central Park in the Autumn at Sunrise, a sight I would never have seen, had it not been for this. And it really is wonderful to feel such a part of the spirit of support and comraderie that is a part of this event. I am beginning to feel, at last, like this city is mine, at least in a small way. Even so, it was particularly wonderful to see South African athletes competing. I really am incredibly proud of them all. I really want to do more of these types of events in the future. Perhaps the Comrades Marathon is next on the list....

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